Protect The Epicentre from Future Commercial & Residential Development

We urge our City Officials to safeguard the Mira Mesa Epicentre from future residential or commercial encroachment by taking the following actions:

1. Designate as Dedicated Park Land: Officially designate the Epicentre as dedicated park land. Currently, the Epicentre is not on dedicated park land, while everything around it is. Without this designation, the Epicentre could be developed for commercial or residential purposes.

2. Transfer Jurisdiction: Shift control of the Epicentre from the Economic Development Department to San Diego Park and Recreation.

Taking these actions will also:

Increase Park Space: Add approximately an acre and a quarter to the city’s much-needed park space.

Protect Against Disputes: Safeguard the park against potential disputes related to ingress, egress, and parking, as access to the Epicentre by vehicle requires entry through park property, and the Epicentre and the park share the same parking lot.

Prevent Negative Usage: Ensure the property is not used in ways that may negatively affect the social and physical environment of the park.

Maximize Resources: Facilitate the joint use of maintenance equipment and personnel.

Optimize Coordination: Enhance the ability to coordinate overflow activities from the overstretched recreation center.

We firmly believe that the City of San Diego should not be relieved of its obligation to maintain and preserve the Epicentre, an asset integral to the Mira Mesa Community Park.

To allow flexible programming that serves all ages and focuses on recreational activities, we further urge City Officials to remove the CDBG encumbrance on the Epicentre.

Let us protect the future of Mira Mesa. Our community cannot be overlooked anymore.